Glen’s ‘I Can’t Believe It’s Vegan’ Lasagna

By Glen’s Kitchen & Co, Inc. • InstagramYouTube


  • 3 King Oyster Mushrooms, Chopped (you can use other mushrooms, about 8oz is all needed)

  • 1 C Roasted, salted Cashews

  • 1/2 Tsp Fresh Rosemary, chopped

  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil

  • 5 oz Baby Spinach

  • Kosher Salt

  • 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice

  • Garlic Powder

  • 1.5 Jars of Pasta Sauce (I used a tomato basil pasta sauce)

  • 1 8oz can of Tomato sauce

  • 10 to 13 oz of Oven Ready (No Boil) Lasagna Noodles

  • 8oz Garlic Hummus

  • Italian Seasoning

  • Fresh ground black pepper

  • 1/2 C red onion chopped

  • 4-6 cloves garlic, rough chop

  • Scotch Bonnet sauce or Red pepper flakes for heat (optional)

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Add your Mushrooms, rosemary and 1/2 Cup Cashews to food processor (blender if you don't have a food processor) and blend until broken down to desired size for meaty-like texture. 

  2. Spinach Mushroom Filling: Add 2 Tbsp of olive oil to skillet on medium heat. Saute your mushrooms and cashew mixture until soft (3-4 minutes) but still hold texture. Add your Garlic powder and Italian seasoning followed by spinach and saute until wilted and mixed in. Remove from heat.

  3. Mix in your lemon juice, sea salt (1/2 Tsp), and black pepper. Set aside.

  4. Parmesan like topping:  Add other 1/2 Cup of Cashews, garlic powder and lemon zest to food processor and blend until size of grated parmesan that would come in shaker. Set side.

  5.  Lasagna Sauce Prep: Saute onions and garlic in olive oil over medium heat. Reduce heat once tender. Next add your pasta sauce and tomato sauce. Mix and allow to warm some. At this point you can add your heat element such red pepper flakes or Scotch Bonnet sauce. (Optional)

  6. Lasagna Assembly: Spread a layer of your lasagna sauce on the bottom of pan. Then top with a layer of noodles, followed by hummus, then the mushroom spinach filling and another layer of sauce. Repeat. Build to your desired amount of layers, leaving final layer with just noodles and sauce. Note: Depending on pan size and depth you can add or reduce the amount of noodles. Also don't shy away from breaking noodles to fit your pan.

  7. Top Final layer with the Parmesan like topping and Italian seasoning. 

  8. Cover Lasagna with Foil and bake on 375 for 40 minutes.

  9. After 40 minutes has passed. Remove the foil and cook for an additional 10 minutes.

  10. Remove Lasagna and let rest for 10-12 minutes before serving.

  11. Enjoy! 


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